These were my designs for the bloated man ! A man who had died on the beach at Brighton after going for a quick dip and got caught by the tide and was washed up weeks later and found by a bunch of chavs who poked his bloated body with sticks !
He was a character from the Corpse Bride film that never featured , unfortunately . I think the budget for new puppets had run out and so was never made . It was a shame really because he would have been an interesting character and a bit different from the usual zombie/skeleton type . He was going to have water squirting out of him every time he moved . i think the animation dept saw it as a lot of work ......they were probably right !!
I like him and yeah he would have been different and interesting to watch:)
Ha - that bottom one covered in barnacles is my favorite.
Gold mate, gold.
These cracked me up pretty good when I saw them! I agree with Elliot, that bottom one is fantastic! Thanks for sharing!
These are awesome. You almost don't want to look, but you just can't help yourself.
the bottom one was my choice too . made me laugh drawing them !
Ey man, they are great!
you are mad.
Bottom one!
All of them! What a great idea for a character, and so well visualised.
dino thanks for your comments re my pix,am glad to see that your blog is coming together. I havn't got your e-mail address but will see you soon. Keep up the good work, it's great that we can all share each other's passion to express
Bloody great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
squishy! bottom one!
These are SO fucking cool man. What a shame the more interesting characters didn't make it into the film.
they're all great- a bit sick but funny as hell at the same time. fantastic!
VEry wicked content!! But sooo gooood ... love your illustration style!! GREAT works!!
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